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Iman Shabazz, CEO

HSIman is the principal Human Relations Strategist of Maximum Impact, LLC, and delivers practical solutions to complex problems requiring cultural competence and awareness. He has trained professionals within federal, state and local agencies that interface with communities of color resulting  in enhanced, equitable and just engagement.

Iman draws from tools of his training and certification in Creative Conflict Resolution, Alternatives to Violence, Emotional Emancipation, Dialogue Facilitation, Community Organizing, Undoing Racial Injustice and Capacity Building to provide opportunities to create change in the dynamic interaction between agencies of authority and communities of color.

Iman shares informed, inspiring perspectives and has a dynamically empowering effect on the people he reaches. He works to help others have the opportunity to live fully; to pursue those things that bring personal joy, all while affecting positive change in the world.

King Salim Khalfani, President

KSHSSalim is Maximum Impact’s veteran of Political Advocacy, Organizational Leadership and Community Engagement Strategy. He brings 30 continuous years of advocacy directly with local, state and federal legislative bodies; along with training leaders and enhancing relationships across an array of service agencies and indigent communities. His consistency, credibility and reputation for excellence are highly sought after. Khalfani leads with intelligence and integrity; with a knack for building rapport with anyone from government leaders to everyday citizens.

Khalfani’s leadership has impacted the lives of thousands of citizens within the Commonwealth of Virginia through several political education, voter empowerment and rights restoration initiatives. His work has earned many awards, citations and accolades from elected and appointed officials as well as the community at-large. He is widely known for his service with such organizations as the Virginia State Conference NAACP and the Richmond Peace Education Center. Khalfani is an entrepreneur, master trainer, facilitator, speaker and historian. His unique skill set is a welcome force driving the mission and vision of Maximum Impact, LLC.